My laptop has died. Let's have a moment of silence.....
Okay, I'm back. I did put a bunch of writing on a CD in March, so I have some records, but you know how it is. There's a lot on there that I'd compiled in the last two months - especially stuff to do with Topsy Turvy Land, the children's book. If you've contacted me for a copy or to do a review, contact me again please.
My most current mailing list was on the laptop. If you're on either the Topsy Turvy Land or the Devotionals by Donna list, be sure to email me so I can add you back on! Or even easier - sign up using the form to the left of this post!
If you know of friends and family who were on the list, please forward this on by clicking on the little white envelope in the bottom right-hand corner of this post.
I'd already had fifty people sign up for the Topsy Turvy Land list!
As soon as I get it compiled, I'm printing it out. Good old paper and ink. Thanks so much, and once again, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!